You may be tempted to change the exe to one of the other in the install directory, DON'T.Now assuming you follow step 2, you should have 7th Heaven installed, update the Aali's modpath in the settings to /mods/Reunion (Check the remako guide if you need help finding this).The purpose of this plugin is largely to assist players in simplifying their 1-2-3 combo into a single button they must push, making the work much easier. XIVCombo is a plugin built by attic, and it is also the first plugin included in this post. go your FF7 install directory and rename the "FF7_en.exe" (ex: "FF7_en_steam.exe") This is important as this is the original steam exe, if this is present Reunion will patch this instead of the converted FF7.exe XIVCombo is a plugin that simplifies rotations.You will be required to use the FF7 game converter and you may run into an issue with the FF7.exe is not working try applying the "run in 640x480 screen resolution option, don't worry if you follow the remako guide this won't be forced just gets around some issues starting the game.A refugee of the fallen Ala Mhigo, Lyse fled to Sharlayan with her older sister, Yda, where the latter joined the Circle of Knowing with her partner Papalymo Totolymo. Go to the Ramako install guide download and install all the required software as instructed Lyse Hext is a non-player character from Final Fantasy XIV, being the narrator and one of the main characters from the Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood expansion.Note: I did not make any of these mods, if you have issues go their sites and ask for help Note: This guide will focus on the Steam version (duh) I originally tried to post this on the Remako site but it did seem to except the post.

I managed to figure out how to get both to work so here is a install guide that hopefully will help you out. I discovered that getting them to work together was kind of a pain in the ♥♥♥♥♥ and I saw others where having issues as well. Unlike others, GShade runs on a custom in-house ReShade build which features a network-unlocked Z-Depth Buffer in Final Fantasy XIV, Second Life, Phantasy Star Online 2, Warframe, and a number of other whitelisted games. So recently I decided I wanted to replay FF7, and since there was a lot of buzz around a these mods I wanted to try them out.